Am I the only one who sometimes falls down the rabbit hole of those silly personality quizzes and games that get passed around social media? “What is your spirit animal?” “Which Image You See First Says This About Your Personality.” “What dog breed are you?” “What Your Favorite Pizza Says About You.” They’re fun little wastes of time, I have to admit.
Recently I got to thinking about personalities and goats. Because that’s a normal thing to think about, right? š Silly as it may seem, I do think that the type of goat breed a person favors says something about that person’s personality. Being a “goat person” in general makes one a little unique, but with so many goats to choose from, surely the one ya pick says something, right? So what does your favorite breed say about you? Let’s find out!
Needless to say, this is all in good fun, so don’t take it too seriously. š
You, like your chosen breed, are a classic. Alpines originally hail from France, and those who love them appreciate theĀ finer things in life. Quality is the name of the game for you. You expect grace and refinement in all aspects and will accept nothing less. Alpines and their owners are classy and independent without sacrificing a congenial nature. You don’t think you’re better than anyone else, but you know your goats are!
Picture: Colored Angora Goat Breeders Association
Why choose between sheep and goats when you can have one creature that fulfills all purposes? You like the best of both worlds and don’t do well with either-or questions. The answer for you is always both, and that includes your choice of goat breed. You wanted fiber but not wool, and the Angora was the answer to that dilemma. You’re also a little quirky and like to have fun. Who says goats can’t have curls?
You like prestige and barbecue, and there’s a good chance you’re from Texas or thereabouts. They say dairy goats are more labor intensive, but that’s just because they haven’t met your show Boers yet. You like your goats chunky and muscular, and you expect to make money off of them. Those that don’t cut the mustard go on down the road. Also, you like big butts and you cannot lie. Barbecue butts, that is.
Golden Guernsey
You have a need to be different. Oh, sure, you could just pick one of the breeds already recognized by ADGA, but those breeds are so passƩ. You want to be on the cutting edge of all things new, and that includes new goat breeds. It excites you to be one of the first ones in on the ground floor of new opportunities, and years from now you look forward to being able to say you were one of the founders. Plus, you like the confused looks you get when explaining your breed of choice to people who have never heard of them.
Kiko or OtherĀ Heritage-Style Meat Breeds (Savanna, Spanish, etc)
You are a low key, low maintenance, laid back sort of soul. You don’t go in for all the muss and fuss of goat shows and high maintenance dairy goats. You expect your goats to thrive with little input outside of normal, routine care, and you’re very particular about which goats get to stay in your herd. Anything too high maintenance is going to hit the road. You are in life as you are in your goat herd: easy going and practical.
You know that no ears are the best ears. Who cares if your goats look a little different? That just makes them unique. Like your earless wonder goats, you like to be a little weird. You’re also calm and kind, though, and always seeking attention. You’re tired of explaining to passersby that no, your goats ears didn’t fall off from frostbite or a dog attack, but your patient attitude helps you suffer through their ignorance.
Nigerian Dwarf
You’re always up for a challenge. They told you Nigerians don’t produce much milk, that they’re hard to milk, and that too many people breed them as pets to ever consider them a true dairy goat. You set out to prove them wrong. Like your goats, you’re stubborn and unconventional. You love variety and think life is too boring when everything is the same old, same old. Your goat breed may be trendy now, but you’re proud to say you’re in it for the long haul and not just the trend.
You’re a traditionalist. When you think dairy goat the image of an old school Nubian fills your mind, and you wouldn’t have it any other way. Like the Nubian, you are regal and noble. However, you also love to talk and can be a bit too loud sometimes. When you want something a certain way at a certain time, everyone should comply immediately if they know what’s good for them. It’s your way or no way at all.
You have a thing for cheese, but not just any cheese – strong, stinky cheese with a distinct bite. You are down to earth and straightforward, but you also have an adventurous spirit. Your fashion style is simple but classy, and earth tones rule in your closet. You like to meld into your environment and prefer to avoid drawing attention to yourself, preferring to be quietly independent.
Cute is the name of the game for you. You could care less about making money from your goats; they are pets first and goats second. Your house reflects your flare for all things cutesy, including an abundance of knickknacks and a large collection of teacups. You probably have other small pets as well such as potbelly pigs, rabbits, a few peacocks, or maybe even a hamster. There’s also a good chance you’re retired and your grand kids love your goats.
You’re a utilitarian. It’s all about the milk for you, and things like color or variety don’t matter to you at all. You thrive on routine and like to keep your ducks in a row. Your friends always joke about what a neat-freak you are, but hey, someone has to keep things organized or the world would fall into disarray and chaos. You probably make your bed every morning, wash your sheets once a week, and iron your jeans.
You’re also a utilitarian, but you’re a utilitarian with just a touch of flair. You keep things neat and tidy, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have a little bit of fun. You like to collect vintage and antique cookware which you keep carefully displayed in open air cabinets. Your favorites are the vintage Pyrex bowls like what your grandmother used to have.
You’re a history buff. You love all things old and eccentric, and the deeper the history the better. That’s why you chose the Toggenburg, the oldest registered breed of dairy. You also have an affinity for cold weather and thick wool scarves. You favorite thing to do is sit by a warm fireplace and sip hot chocolate while snow falls outside. Lucky for you, your goats grow a thick winter coat well suited to a cold climate.
Multiple Breeds
You have crossed over into crazy goat person territory. One breed just isn’t enough for you. Why commit yourself to just a single variety when you could have more? Your personality is eccentric and you’re never satisfied with just a single interest. Some may even refer to you as an overachiever. There’s a good chance you’ve gone too far down the rabbit hole to ever recover now – you’ll be a goat person for life.
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